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photo galleryMost people are familiar with lifts on specific areas, but you may not be aware that Dr, Barnthouse performs a procedure that can contour your entire body at once. It's known as a “body lift,” and the result is a firmer, toned, more youthful-looking body contour, with noticeably smoother skin—not to mention renewed self-confidence. No other method of body contouring restores body shape, skin appearance, and skin tone as effectively as a body lift.

Exactly what can you lift?

Body lift surgery addresses excess loose and sagging skin and irregular contours of virtually every part of your body, including:

  • Abdomen and lower back
  • Buttocks (can be lifted, filled out and/or reshaped)
  • Shape and circumference of inner and outer thighs
  • Shape, firmness and circumference of upper arms, including the armpit region

A body lift can:

  • Improve overall skin tone
  • Improve dimpled, irregular skin surface (cellulite)
  • Address excess sagging fat and improve skin elasticity.

Note: If elasticity plus excess body fat are at issue, Dr. Barnthouse may suggest a combination of liposuction and body lift techniques to address the problem.

Who are the best candidates for a body lift?

Healthy men and women who maintain a stable weight that is reasonably proportionate to their height and body frame make the best candidates for a body lift. Ideally, they are non-smokers with a positive outlook and specific goals in mind who have significant soft tissue looseness in one or multiple body areas.

Dr. Barnthouse recommends that women who may become pregnant postpone an abdominal body lift since pregnancy may diminish results.

Take the first step...

Set up a consultation with Dr. Barnthouse and learn how a body lift can improve your body contours. Be sure to bring along a list of any questions or concerns you have.

At this time, Dr. Barnthouse will carefully evaluate your overall health and outlook. He will expect you to:

  • Be honest about your expectations
  • Fully disclose your health history, including prescription and over-the counter medications you take, as well as alcohol and drug use
  • Make a commitment to following any and all of his instructions for preparation and care

About the actual procedure...

Body lifts require incisions, often extensive. Incision length, location and shape will vary depending on the amount and location of excess skin that needs to be removed, as well as personal preference and surgical judgment.

Dr. Barnthouse takes special care to place incision points in locations where they can be hidden by clothing and swimsuits.

Body lifts can be performed in conjunction with other contouring procedures such as liposuction and tummy tuck, breast lift, or male or female breast reduction. But keep in mind that not all patients are good candidates for combined procedures. Your case will be evaluated on an individual basis.

How you can prepare for surgery...

Prior to surgery, you will be given specific instructions that may include:

  • Pre-surgical considerations, diagnostic testing and medications
  • Day of surgery instructions and medications
  • Specific information related to the use of anesthesia
  • Post-operative care and follow-up

Each year, thousands of women undergo body lift surgery and experience no major complications. However, complications can arise. Dr. Barnthouse will review these with you and ask that you sign a consent form to indicate you fully understand the procedure and risks involved.

Post-Surgery: What to expect.

Following your procedure, you’ll spend time in the recovery room waking from your anesthesia. Dressings or bandages will have been placed over your incisions, and you may be wrapped in an elastic bandage to minimize swelling and support your new contours as you heal.

Dr. Barnthouse may have also placed temporary drainage tubes under the skin to drain excess fluid or blood that may collect.

Before you are released, you and your caregiver will receive further post-op care instructions that may include:

  • How to care for the surgical site and drains
  • Medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection
  • Specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in overall health
  • A date for a follow-up appointment with Dr. Barnthouse

Although everyone heals at a different rate, recovery generally follows this timeline:

One week post-op:

  • Healing begins/peak swelling at incision sites
  • Discomfort controlled with medication
  • Return to light walking as soon as possible following surgery to minimize potential for blood clots
  • Avoid bending, straining or lifting (also standing fully upright if abdomen or thigh corrections involved)
  • Sleep with pillows elevating knees.

A few weeks post-op:

  • Return to light, normal activity as you feel ready
  • Sutures removed (unless dissolving kind)
  • Return to work and normal activity—take it easy
  • Swelling dissipates and incision lines continue to improve
  • Maintain diligent sun protection

A few months post-op and beyond:

  • Full results apparent
  • Numbness and “firm” feeling dissipate over time
  • Incisions may take up to 1 to 2 years to refine and fade
  • Most improvements relatively permanent – enjoy your new body!